Sir Adam Beck Collegiate Institute
“Beck On Call” Reunion – 50/60’s Alumni & Teachers

Our School may have been closed since 1982, but it has not been forgotten.The Beck “Spartan” School Spirit still thrives in various activities by the Alumni and Teachers.



Registration is OPEN!!

The Reunion Committee has planned a weekend that we hope you will enjoy and remember! Please pass this information along to all the Spartans you are in contact with!

The Friday night Open House, Saturday golf tournament and Saturday evening dinner and dance require that you REGISTER for each ‘event’ separately so make sure you click on each link.

Friday, September 30th, 2022:
Open House at the school building

Saturday, October 1st:
* Golf tournament

* Cocktails at 5:30 Dinner/dance to follow at 7:00 - 11:00 
   Tickets for Saturday night are limited

Contact the Lamplighter Inn for a discounted room rate if you plan to stay over.
Shelley’s Restaurant at the Lamplighter is open for breakfast and lunch 7:00 - 4:00

Lots of additional afternoon activities are planned!
Stay tuned for more information; registration will not be needed.

Please register as soon as possible so we can continue planning!

Need more information or interested in helping out? Email

Without volunteers, it will not happen.



Below are links to past reunions:

1982 Reunion - Beck's Last Hurrah
2003 August - Grad Classes from the 70's and 80's
2004-October - 662 Alumni and 200 Guests were registered (see list)

Below is a typical Call Out:

Dates - Oct 1/2/3,  2004

Place - The Old School (Auditorium, New Gym, etc) with some activities at other sites.

      »    Friday Evening - Singing Auditorium, Group Gatherings and Memorabilia Displays.
      »    Saturday Daytime – Expanded variation of the Friday Evening activities with another Singing Auditorium, a History of Beck Slide Show, etc.
      »    Saturday Evening – Banquet, Entertainment and Music at the Hellenic Centre .
      »    Sunday – Interfaith Service and Farewells

Reunion Registration has begun. Packages have been sent by mail, or by email, to all currently “located” Alumni.

If you have not yet received a “Registration Package” you can obtain one from this site and make sure to check all the details in “Reunion Brochure”.   Take a copy - print it double sided and tri-fold into your “Beck On Call Brochure”

We  have located about 1500 Students & Teachers, and our “Spartan Finders” continuing  to search for more by they still need your help!

Please visit our “Roll Call of Missing Spartans” page and input any information you have about those “missing Spartans” listed there - or ask them to contact us directly.  We at least need their current contact info in order to help them get registered (address, email, etc.) with all information held in confidence).

What you need to do NOW!
      »    Mark the dates on your calendar.
      »    Pass this info to any other former Beck friends & relatives that you think may not e aware of the reunion.
      »    If you have not been contacted please Identify yourself to our committee – so we know how to contact you
      »    Add our Web site ( to your “favorites” (best to create a Beck folder).

We have various committees working on all the activities to pull this together.  We will always welcome other volunteers to help. If you wish to volunteer for an activity team, please contact a Reunion Committee Co-Chair (

Don’t forget to explore our complete Web Site. The pictures and memories are just a small sampling of what you will see at the reunion. If you have other items to share for display please visit our “Memorabilia Request” page - see menu item on Home Page.

Your  “Reunion Committee” hopes to see you there!
- Co-Chairs - Jim Cash / Bonnie Lynn Wright;   Treasurer - Doug Morton;  Secretary - Carolyn Scott (McLatchie)
- Others, too numerous to mention here

