Beck Alumni Feedback

Anne Garrett
Very glad to hear you are postponing and not cancelling. It's anybody's guess when it can be held but I expect lots of Beckites will do their level best to clear their calendar so they can attend the very "Last Fling at the Sing Thing".  Great label!!
Thanks and keep well, Anne

Shirley Clement
Thank you so very message. What a beautiful reminder that we are all together in this. Sadly as I watched this I was reminded of how many friends I have lost since that reunion and I am left to wonder how many of us old ones will still be around for the next planned reunion. Thanks again.

Terry Wilson
Thank you so much for including the videos of the Beck Glee Club. What a wonderful treat that was. I will definitely make every effort to attend the reunion - whenever it is. Thank you!!


Alan Quigley
Sincere thanks for sending these “totally uplifting videos”.
Those events are exactly what people need to see in these chaotic, troublesome times.
My career in education spanned 44 years in 16 schools in 3 countries. Although each school had its own culture and reputation, and even though I enjoyed each school, there was ONLY ONE BECK ! I live in Calgary now but continue to keep up on any activity involving SABCI.

Thank you for continuing the traditional Beck Singing Auditorium. I truly appreciate your efforts and I loved watching the videos. The choir sounded terrific. Just like everything else about Beck !

Carol (Baptie) Kinoshita
I wanted to thank you so much for including the YouTube links to the 2004 reunion.  As I watched them, tears streamed down my face.  Not only because of the beautiful voices, but for the sight of my sister Sandie Sydorko singing her heart out in the front row.
It made me cry but also made my day.
A heartfelt thanks. 

Linda Stewart
Thank you for sending the videos, just the kind of uplifting that everyone needs right now. Very thoughtful.


Don Morrow
I, for one Beck alumnus, applaud your decision. It is the only way to contain this horrible virus. Kudos to you and your committee!!!


John Cossom
Thank you so much for sending these YouTube videos. Even though I have never made a singing reunion from far away Victoria, it was wonderful to listen to Glee Club Alumnae singing these songs. Cheers.


Joannie Wolf
Thank you SO MUCH for including the two links to hear the glee club singing the two “Beck theme songs”. A joy to hear, bringing a huge smile and wonderful memories. 
Great letter. Superb leadership!!
Looking forward to the new date for our “safe” reunion. 


Bob Goddard
Thanks so much for forwarding the notice and videos. Although never a glee club member I remember with great fondness the singing auditoriums during my five years at Beck. I also managed to get back for a couple of the revived versions in the last few years. As it happens a classmate of mine and a colleague at the Ministry of Education, Sylvia McPhee, was in both videos as was my younger sister, Nancy. I had planned to attend the final session and will still look forward to it whenever it can be arranged.
Please keep my name on the list.


Tim Rowat
Fingers crossed...
Blow your horn. Beat your drum.  Sing as if no one is listening and watch the conductor!


Joyce Warder Orchard
I really enjoyed the videos. Look forward to the next singing reunion!


Sandy Keevel (nee Harris)
Another necessary step in these uncharted waters! Thank you for including the you tube videos from 2004- a reunion I attended, after not seeing friends and classmates from Beck for 43 years! A very special memory for me. Hearing the Glee Club and their wonderful renditions of those inspiring songs again, gives me hope that we’ll all soon be okay and will reflect, on those wonderful, carefree days at Beck, while we practise social distancing.
Best wishes


Marilyn Love
Thank you so very much for sending this along. What precious memories of days of my youth and years at Beck.  We in Alberta, just got the word to-day, no weddings, no funerals of more than 50 people. I’m sure you must have the same restrictions where you are. At least we have plenty of wine!!!.


Brad Myers

Thanks for this email....loved the music.
Let's hope that this is as short-lived as possible. I live in Charlevoix, Quebec and we are experiencing drastic reductions in current winter bookings for skiing and related winter sports


Jim Gough
I only spent 2 years at Beck (63-64 and 64-65 {half days}) but it had an incredibly positive affect on my scholastic record

  • arrived in Late November 63 after failing Eng.Lit, algebra, physics, French in June63.

  • failed algebra at Christmas then never another failure in the remaining 5 years of school

  • scholastic award for highest marks in a subject (Grade 13 Geography), rec’d in Oct 64

And left some incredible memories of signing auditoriums and singing the school song.
Other schools I attended may have had song but nobody sang it or knew it. When I arrived I thought they were a bunch of weirdos with a singing auditorium and then I went to a basketball game and somebody jumped up and start signing the school song –

  • the first time it happened, I momentarily thought ‘what a jerk’ until I realized I was the only one in that part of the stands still sitting! After 3-4 games I was jumping up with him. It was exciting! Even more amazing – I still know the words over 50 years later.

All of this triggered me to add a collection of Beck links to my computer --- and discovered that Don Getty went to Beck in the 50’s, where he captained the football and basketball teams and was elected president of the student council. He then went to Western and lead them to college football championships. When he graduated from Western he married his high school sweetheart from Beck and moved to Edmonton. They were to learn we had trained him well at Beck. He led the Edmonton Eskimos to Grey Cups and then was elected Premier of Alberta).

I found some videos of the Glee Club at school reunions. And I found one about the sports legendary teams – in the background at the beginning “Come Beck Arise Ye” is being sung as a background piece. Do you happen to have or know where there is a video of a class, choir or school singing the school song?

Below  is what I pulled together about Don Getty, relative to Beck, for a friend out west. Wanted him to know where Getty learned football and how to win elections.