Singing Auditorium Dedicated with grateful thanks to Jim Cash "One Last Fling at the Sing thing!!" Doors will open at 1pm and singing to start at 2pm followed by fun and frivolity in the cafeteria After a very thoughtful & reluctant Singing Reunion Committee Meeting it was decided that this will be our Final Singing Reunion. However, we want to end with much fun and celebration. In order to accommodate more people who may find evenings more difficult, We are holding our reunion in the afternoon and hope to have a little more time for visiting. Please reach out to as many Beck Alumnae as you can so we can make this event simply fabulous! If you have any ideas or songs you would like included please email: jackieblackwell@rogers.com NOTE: There will be a MAJOR BECK Reunion in 2022 (we'll keep you posted) |
Singing Auditorium 2019 builds on past successful
events and with your help this one will be even bigger!
If you have had ANYTHING to do with the history of SABCI
Music: participated in musicals, played in the band,
sung in the choir, joined singing auditoriums, played at
pep rallies…..Join in at the AUDITORIUM on Friday, April
26th, 2019 MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW – Friday, April 26th, 2019. –
Registration is 6:00 p.m. at the Old School.
Beck Singing Auditorium Committee
2018 Singing Auditorium Following in the glories of past Singing Auditoriums, we invite Beckites and their spouses, or significant others, to come together for another grand song-fest in the Old Auditorium on Friday, April 27th, 2018 from 7:15 until 8:45 p.m. We’ll join Margie and accompanist Martha Upton in 90 minutes of song, followed by an hour or so of meeting and catching up with friends in the school cafeteria, where light refreshments will be available. Program to follow. Many or you will remember the
fun times we shared at “The Cow” after sock hops,
basketball games & football games – we have reconnected
with Margo Smith & Ice Cream will be the “Order of the
Day”!!!!!! We hear she is bringing
some memorabilia of "The Cow". Look for her near
the ice cream in the cafeteria. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW – Friday, April 27th, 2018. –
Registration is 6:00 p.m. at the Old School.
Doug Petch & Jackie Blackwell
Glee Club Reunion 2004 - Pictures, Video and Songs
"No Man Is an Island" one of Beck's favourites:
sung by the Beck Choir,
sung by the Singers Club of Cleveland
Singing Auditorium 2003
Whether it be a desire to re-visit one's youth - or
another reason - many people wanted to revive the
Singing Auditorium - and kept saying "We should".
Sandy [Baptie] Sydorko decided to make this dream
come true for all of us dreamers.
So on April 15, 2000 it became a reality. With the
help of Stu Cunningham [who found the words for the
'old' songs and made slides] and other people who got
the word out, the evening began to take shape. Gerald
Fagan, a former student and teacher at Beck, took the
role that Carl Chapman held for so long in Beck's
musical history. With finesse, humour and enthusiasm,
he filled his shoes well. This evening was so
successful that a second Singing Auditorium was held
eighteen months later on September 21, 2001 .... and
then again eighteen months later on March 28, 2003.
Various pianists tinkling the keys for these musical
nights were: Donna [Steinback] Rahn, Martha [Martin]
Upton, Linda [Issac] Wray and at times, Gerald's wife
Marlene. Mr. Wil Rice, a much beloved former teacher
and coach at Beck, took the baton and lead us in
'Burgundy' and 'Road To Mandalay' and received a
standing ovation. It began to look like this would
happen every eighteen months - and it will again ...
at the reunion for students in the 1950-1969 era. Will
we see you there?
Singing Auditorium 30 April 2010
Another nostalgic evening that my wife Sheila (not from Beck) and I enjoyed immensely.
Seeing many friends again, including Bonnie Bell and Gerry Fagan, made it even more memorable.
I hope that some young folks pick up the Spartan torch and help to carry it forward!
Thanks to the Jamieson family, Jim Cash, Fred Symons and everyone else who organized this special event.
Merv Burgard