Many years have passed since I left Room 106 and all those English and
History classes which brought us together for better or worse! I have
been retired thirty years --longer than I was actually at Beck.
It was in 1945, after a few years of teaching Physical Education in my
home town of Kitchener, that I joined the Beck staff. My colleagues
were: Carl Chapman, Bert Bartley, Fred Langford, “Pop” Adamson, Mary
Cameron, Dennis Groat, Harv Stewart, George Ramage and Tom Armstrong to
mention only a few and such support staff as Evie Chaffe and Cap
Rainsbury. It is hard to think of a reunion without them. It was a great
staff and a great school! I was privileged to be a part of it for so
In 1957-58 I was given a sabbatical leave and went to England for the
year. It was an unforgettable experience which added so much to the
enjoyment of teaching English and History in the years ahead.
I am now 88, grateful to staff and students who enriched my years at
Beck. The reunion should be a memorable occasion for all of us.
